Join a small group and build relationships! There are many groups to choose from so you can find a group that fits for you. Sign up at any time and join a group!
Life groups
leading people to life
Life groups
leading people to life
Join a small group and build relationships! There are many groups to choose from so you can find a group that fits for you. Sign up at any time and join a group!
Connect relationally to others in the church
Grow in all areas of life (spiritual, physical, emotional, professional)
Serve in your area of giftedness
Go connect with our community
Discipleship - hang out with Jesus together
Gaming with the guys | A YOUTH ALIVE GROUP
with Hatley & William | every other Monday at 5:00pm
Get together with other guys, play games & bond and connect.
Bible & brunch
with Pastor Andrew & Josh | Saturdays at 10:30am
Grab brunch with other guys and engage in a devotional.
post-college group
with Ashley Curley | every other Friday at 6:30pm
Come together with other young adults in worship & discipleship.
Happy trails co-ed group
with John & Beth Mendoza | twice a month
Experience God through His creation and enjoy the outdoors!
Ladies lunch
with Pastor Laura | Mondays at 12:00pm
Use your lunch break to connect relationally to other ladies!
Tea with tiffanie on tuesdays
with Tiffanie Anderson | Tuesdays, twice a month at 6:30pm
Read through The Power of Praying for your Adult Children with friends in a fun and engaging way!
craft with kimberly
with Kimberly Mode | Mondays, once a month at 6:00pm
"Fall" into crafts to keep for yourself or give to others.
Ladies devotional breakfast
with Val Rae Kramer | third Wednesday each month at 8:00am
Join us for breakfast, a short devotional and a time of fellowship.
midweek spiritual infusion
with Pastor Andrew & Pastor Laura | Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Come to this Bible study tired, and leave refreshed.
Boot Scootin' boogie
with Alexis Barbre Blankenship | every other Friday at 7:00pm
Stomp out beginner line dance moves!
United for christ (ufc)
with Sherry, Tiffany, Debra, & Rosamund | Mondays at 5:30pm
Join this women's Bible Study and read through "Experiencing the Heart of Jesus."